Japan: Kagoshima
The population of Kagoshima prefecture.
Name | Native | Status | Population Census 1995-10-01 | Population Census 2000-10-01 | Population Census 2005-10-01 | Population Census 2010-10-01 | Population Census 2015-10-01 | Population Census 2020-10-01 | |
Kagoshima | 鹿児島県 | Prefecture | 1,794,224 | 1,786,194 | 1,753,179 | 1,706,242 | 1,648,177 | 1,588,256 |
Contents: Cities, Towns and Villages
The population of all cities, towns and villages in Kagoshima prefecture.
Name | Native | Status | Population Census 1995-10-01 | Population Census 2000-10-01 | Population Census 2005-10-01 | Population Census 2010-10-01 | Population Census 2015-10-01 | Population Census 2020-10-01 | |
Aira | 姶良市 | City (-shi) | 71,762 | 73,640 | 74,840 | 74,809 | 75,173 | 76,348 | → |
Akune | 阿久根市 | City (-shi) | 27,506 | 26,270 | 25,072 | 23,154 | 21,198 | 19,270 | → |
Amagi | 天城町 | Town (-chō) | 7,365 | 7,212 | 7,020 | 6,653 | 5,975 | 5,517 | → |
Amami | 奄美市 | City (-shi) | 53,410 | 51,898 | 49,617 | 46,121 | 43,156 | 41,390 | → |
China | 知名町 | Town (-chō) | 7,456 | 7,435 | 7,115 | 6,806 | 6,213 | 5,750 | → |
Higashikushira | 東串良町 | Town (-chō) | 7,868 | 7,530 | 7,122 | 6,802 | 6,530 | 6,237 | → |
Hioki | 日置市 | City (-shi) | 52,791 | 53,391 | 52,411 | 50,822 | 49,249 | 47,153 | → |
Ibusuki | 指宿市 | City (-shi) | 50,529 | 48,750 | 46,822 | 44,396 | 41,831 | 39,011 | → |
Ichikikushikino | いちき串木野市 | City (-shi) | 35,534 | 34,266 | 32,993 | 31,144 | 29,282 | 27,490 | → |
Isa | 伊佐市 | City (-shi) | 35,007 | 33,508 | 31,499 | 29,304 | 26,810 | 24,453 | → |
Isen | 伊仙町 | Town (-chō) | 8,151 | 7,769 | 7,255 | 6,844 | 6,362 | 6,139 | → |
Izumi | 出水市 | City (-shi) | 58,655 | 58,460 | 57,907 | 55,621 | 53,758 | 51,994 | → |
Kagoshima | 鹿児島市 | City (-shi) | 594,430 | 601,693 | 604,367 | 605,846 | 599,814 | 593,128 | → |
Kanoya | 鹿屋市 | City (-shi) | 105,059 | 106,462 | 106,208 | 105,070 | 103,608 | 101,096 | → |
Kikai | 喜界町 | Town (-chō) | 9,268 | 9,041 | 8,572 | 8,169 | 7,212 | 6,629 | → |
Kimotsuki | 肝付町 | Town (-chō) | 20,317 | 19,523 | 18,307 | 17,160 | 15,664 | 14,227 | → |
Kinkō | 錦江町 | Town (-chō) | 11,608 | 10,889 | 10,015 | 8,987 | 7,923 | 6,944 | → |
Kirishima | 霧島市 | City (-shi) | 122,279 | 127,912 | 127,309 | 127,487 | 125,857 | 123,135 | → |
Makurazaki | 枕崎市 | City (-shi) | 27,640 | 26,317 | 25,150 | 23,638 | 22,046 | 20,033 | → |
Minamikyūshū | 南九州市 | City (-shi) | 45,792 | 44,137 | 42,191 | 39,065 | 36,352 | 33,080 | → |
Minamiōsumi | 南大隅町 | Town (-chō) | 11,623 | 10,741 | 9,897 | 8,815 | 7,542 | 6,481 | → |
Minamisatsuma | 南さつま市 | City (-shi) | 45,845 | 43,979 | 41,677 | 38,704 | 35,439 | 32,887 | → |
Minamitane | 南種子町 | Town (-chō) | 7,422 | 7,154 | 6,751 | 6,218 | 5,745 | 5,445 | → |
Mishima | 三島村 | Village (-mura) | 513 | 500 | 462 | 418 | 407 | 405 | → |
Nagashima | 長島町 | Town (-chō) | 13,185 | 12,552 | 11,958 | 11,105 | 10,431 | 9,705 | → |
Nakatane | 中種子町 | Town (-chō) | 10,027 | 9,675 | 9,194 | 8,696 | 8,135 | 7,539 | → |
Nishinoomote | 西之表市 | City (-shi) | 19,822 | 18,866 | 18,198 | 16,951 | 15,967 | 14,708 | → |
Ōsaki | 大崎町 | Town (-chō) | 16,480 | 16,018 | 15,303 | 14,215 | 13,241 | 12,385 | → |
Satsuma | さつま町 | Town (-chō) | 28,141 | 27,331 | 25,688 | 24,109 | 22,400 | 20,243 | → |
Satsumasendai | 薩摩川内市 | City (-shi) | 106,737 | 105,464 | 102,370 | 99,589 | 96,076 | 92,403 | → |
Setouchi | 瀬戸内町 | Town (-chō) | 12,017 | 11,649 | 10,782 | 9,874 | 9,042 | 8,546 | → |
Shibushi | 志布志市 | City (-shi) | 36,694 | 35,966 | 34,770 | 33,034 | 31,479 | 29,329 | → |
Soo | 曽於市 | City (-shi) | 46,328 | 44,910 | 42,287 | 39,221 | 36,557 | 33,310 | → |
Tarumizu | 垂水市 | City (-shi) | 20,933 | 20,107 | 18,928 | 17,248 | 15,520 | 13,819 | → |
Tatsugō | 龍郷町 | Town (-chō) | 5,889 | 6,002 | 6,002 | 6,078 | 5,806 | 5,817 | → |
Tokunoshima | 徳之島町 | Town (-chō) | 13,640 | 13,127 | 12,892 | 12,090 | 11,160 | 10,147 | → |
Toshima | 十島村 | Village (-mura) | 776 | 756 | 673 | 657 | 756 | 740 | → |
Uken | 宇検村 | Village (-son) | 2,424 | 2,243 | 2,048 | 1,932 | 1,722 | 1,621 | → |
Wadomari | 和泊町 | Town (-chō) | 7,869 | 7,736 | 7,436 | 7,114 | 6,783 | 6,246 | → |
Yakushima | 屋久島町 | Town (-chō) | 13,593 | 13,875 | 13,761 | 13,589 | 12,913 | 11,858 | → |
Yamato | 大和村 | Village (-son) | 2,092 | 2,104 | 2,013 | 1,765 | 1,530 | 1,364 | → |
Yoron | 与論町 | Town (-chō) | 6,210 | 6,099 | 5,731 | 5,327 | 5,186 | 5,115 | → |
Yūsui | 湧水町 | Town (-chō) | 13,537 | 13,237 | 12,566 | 11,595 | 10,327 | 9,119 | → |
Source: Statistics Bureau Japan (web).