The meaning of abbreviations in status columns and column headings.
The status of towns and administrative divisions (like 'state' or 'city') is abbreviated as follows:
Abbr. | Meaning |
AArea | Autonomous Area |
ACity | Autonomous City |
ACnty | Autonomous County |
ADist | Autonomous District |
Adm-Urb | Urban population of administrative areas |
Aggl | Agglomeration |
APref | Autonomous Prefecture |
AProv | Autonomous Province |
Area | Area |
AReg | Autonomous Region |
ARep | Autonomous Republic |
Arr | Arrondissement |
ASett | Autonomous Settlement |
Atoll | Atoll |
BL | Federal State (Bundesland) |
Bor | Borough |
CAdm | Area administered by the central government |
Camp | Camp |
Cant | Canton |
Cantt | Cantonment |
Cap | Capital |
CcA | Council Area |
CDist | City District |
CDP | Census-Designated Place |
City | City |
CityCR | County-level City |
CityOG | City with Outgrowth |
Cmty | Community |
Cntry | Country |
Cnty | County |
Com | Commune |
Conf | Confederation |
Congl | Conglomeration |
County | County |
CpDst | Capital District |
CUA | Consolidated Urban Area |
CW | Commonwealth |
DCA | District Council Area |
Dept | Department |
Depto | Department |
Dist | District |
Distr | District |
Div | Division |
DpnT | Dependent Territory |
Emir | Emirate |
FDist | Federal District |
Fed | Federation |
Fed Rep | Federal Republic |
FSt | Federal State |
FTerr | Federal Territory |
GDist | Governmental District |
Gov | Governorate |
GrDch | Grand Duchy |
Ham | Hamlet |
Inc | Incorporated Area |
Indep | Independent Country |
Isl | Island |
IslamRep | Islamic Republic |
IslGrp | Island Group |
ITerr | Indigenous Territory |
Kingd | Kingdom |
Leag | League |
LGA | Local Government Area |
Loc | Locality |
MC | Municipal Council |
MCnty | Municipal County |
Mcp | Municipality |
MetCity | Metropolitan City |
MetCnty | Metropolitan County |
MetMun | Metropolitan Municipality |
MetPref | Metropolitan Prefecture |
MetProv | Metropolitan Province |
Mkt | Market Town |
MPref | Municipal Prefecture |
MProv | Municipal Province |
Mun | Municipality |
Mun-Urb | urban population of municipalities |
Neighb | Neighborhood |
New Town | New Town |
OvDept | Overseas Department |
OvTerr | Overseas Territory |
Par | Parish |
Place | Place |
PR | People's Republic |
Pref | Prefecture |
PrefCity | Prefecture-level City |
PRep | People's Republic |
Prov | Province |
PUrbC | Peri-Urban Center |
Quart | Quarter |
RC | Rural Commune |
RCA | Regional Council Area |
Reg | Region |
Rep | Republic |
Res | Reserve |
RLoc | Rural Locality |
RSett | Rural Settlement |
SD | Statistical Division |
Sett | Settlement |
Sh | Shire |
SProvCity | Sub-provincial City |
SSD | Statistical Subdivision |
St | State |
Stat | Station |
SubDist | Subdistrict |
SubReg | Subregion |
TC | Town Council |
Terr | Territory |
Town | Town |
TownOG | Town with Outgrowth |
Trib | Tribal Area |
Tshp | Township |
UA | Urban Area |
UC | Urban Council |
UCom | Urban Commune |
UDistr | Urban District |
UGov | Unified Government |
ULoc | Urban Locality |
UninhIsl | Uninhabited Island |
UrbC | Urban Center |
USett | Urban Settlement |
UTerr | Union Territory |
Vill | Village |
Voi | Voivodship |
Ward | Ward |
Zone | Zone |
Zup | County (Županije) |
The following abbreviations indicate how the population figures were surveyed (e.g., by a census or an estimation) or the meaning of the area figures.
Abbr. | Meaning |
A (hect) | area (in hectare) |
A (km²) | area (in square km) |
A-L (hect) | land area (in hectare) |
A-L (km²) | land area (in square km) |
A-L (m²) | land area (in square m) |
C | census |
Ca | census (adjusted) |
Cf | census (final) |
Cfa | census (final, adjusted) |
CI | intermediate census |
Cp | census (preliminary) |
Cpa | census (preliminary, adjusted) |
E | estimate |
E~ | estimate (rough) |
Ef | estimate (final) |
Ep | estimate (preliminary) |
P | projection |
R | register-based evaluation |
Rp | register-based evaluation (preliminary) |
UE | unofficial estimate |
UE-C | computation based on census results |
UE-E | computation based on estimates |
UE-P | computation based on projections |
UP | unofficial projection/calculation |