Country | Link to the Statistical Office |
ABW | Central Bureau of Statistics Aruba |
AFG | Central Statistics Office, Afghanistan |
AGO | Instituto Nacional de Estatística, República de Angola |
AIA | Anguilla's Statistics Department |
ALB | Instituti i Statistikës, Tiranë |
AND | Departament d'Estatdística, Andorra |
ARE | Ajman Statistics and Competitiveness Center |
ARE | Ras Al Khaimah Statistics Center |
ARE | Fujairah Statistics Center |
ARE | Department of Statistics and Community Development Sharjah |
ARE | Statistics Center Abu Dhabi |
ARE | Dubai Statistics Center |
ARE | Federal Competiveness and Statistics Authority |
ARG | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos de la Republica Argentina |
ARM | National Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia |
ASM | American Samoa Government: Research & Statistics |
ATG | Statistics Division of Antigua and Barbuda |
AUS | Australian Bureau of Statistics |
AUT | Statistik Austria |
AZE | State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
BDI | Institut National de Statistique du Burundi |
BEL | Statistics Belgium, NIS-INS, Ministry of Economic Affairs |
BEN | Institut National de la Statistique Benin |
BFA | Institut National de la Statistique et de la Demographie, Burkina Faso |
BGD | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics |
BGR | National Statistical Institute Bulgaria |
BHR | Bahrain Information and e-Government Authority |
BHS | Department of Statistics, Bahamas |
BIH | Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics |
BIH | Federal Office of Statistics of the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina |
BIH | Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Statistics |
BLR | National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus |
BLZ | Statistical Institute of Belize |
BMU | Department of Statistics, Government of Bermuda |
BOL | Instituto Nacional de Estadística, República de Bolivia |
BRA | Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica |
BRB | Barbados Statistical Service |
BRN | Department of Economic Planning and Development, Brunei |
BTN | National Statistics Bureau, Royal Government of Bhutan |
BWA | Statistics Botswana |
CAF | Institut Centrafricain des Statistiques et des Etudes Economiques et Sociales |
CAN | Statistics Canada |
CHE | Bundesamt für Statistik, Schweiz |
CHL | Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, Santiago de Chile |
CHN | China National Bureau of Statistics |
CIS | Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CISStat) |
CMR | Institut National de la Statistique du Cameroun |
COD | Institut National de la Statistique, République Démocratique du Congo |
COG | Institute National de la Statistique, Republique du Congo |
COK | Cook Islands Statistics Office |
COL | Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, Republica de Columbia |
COM | Institut Nationale de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques et Démographiques, Union des Comores |
CPV | Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Cabo Verde |
CRI | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos, Costa Rica |
CUB | Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas, República de Cuba |
CUW | Central Bureau of Statistics, Curaçao |
CVI | Institut National de la Statistique, Republique de Côte d'Ivoire |
CYM | Government of the Cayman Islands, Economics and Statistics Office |
CYP | Statistical Service, Republic of Cyprus |
CZE | Czech Statistical Office |
DEU | Statistical Offices of the German States |
DEU | Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland |
DJI | Ministère des Finances Djibouti |
DJI | Institut National de la Statistique de Djibouti |
DMA | Central Statistics Office of Dominica |
DNK | Denmark Statistik (StatBank) |
DOM | La Oficina Nacional de Estadística, República Dominicana |
DZA | Office National des Statistiques de l'Algérie |
ECU | El Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos del Ecuador |
EGY | Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, Egypt |
ESP | Instituto Nacional de Estadística, España |
EST | Statistical Office of Estonia |
ETH | Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia |
FIN | Statistics Finland |
FJI | Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics |
FLK | Falkland Islands Government |
FRA | Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, Paris, France |
FRO | Hagstova Føroya, Statistics Faroe Islands |
FSM | FSM Statistics Office |
GAB | Direction Générale des Statistiques du Gabon |
GBR | The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency |
GBR | National Records of Scotland |
GBR | UK Office for National Statistics |
GEO | State Department for Statistics of Georgia |
GGY | States of Guernsey (government site) |
GGY | States of Alderney (government site) |
GHA | Ghana Statistical Service |
GIB | Statistics Office Gibraltar |
GIN | Direction Nationale de la Statistique de Guinée |
GMB | Gambia Bureau of Statistics |
GNB | Instituto Nacional de Estatística Guiné-Bissau |
GNQ | Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas de Guinea Ecuatorial |
GRC | General Secretariat of National Statistical Service of Greece |
GRD | Grenada Central Statistics Office |
GRL | Kalaallit Nunaanni Naatsorsueqqissaartarfik |
GTM | Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Guatemala |
GUM | Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans |
GUY | Bureau of Statistics Guyana |
HKG | Census and Statistics Department, SAR Hong Kong |
HND | Instituto Nacional de Estadística Honduras |
HRV | Croatian Bureau of Statistics |
HTI | Institut Haïtien de Statistique et d'Informatique |
HUN | Hungarian Central Statistical Office |
IDN | Badan Pusat Statistik, Republik Indonesia |
IMN | Isle of Man Government |
IND | Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India |
IRL | Central Statistics Office, Ireland |
IRN | Statistical Centre of Iran |
IRQ | Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology Iraq |
ISL | Statistics Iceland |
ISR | Central Bureau of Statistics, The State of Israel |
ITA | Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Italia |
ITA | Geodemo Statistiche Demografiche dell'ISTAT |
JAM | Statistical Institute of Jamaica |
JAP | Statistics Bureau Japan |
JEY | States of Jersey: Government and Administration |
JOR | Department of Statistics, Jordan |
KAZ | The Agency of Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
KEN | Kenya National Bureau of Statistics |
KGZ | National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic |
KHM | National Institute of Statistics of Cambodia |
KIR | Kiribati National Statistics Office |
KOR | Statistics Korea |
KOS | Kosovo Agency of Statistics |
KWT | Central Statistical Office, State of Kuwait |
KWT | Kuwait Public Authority for Civil Information |
LAO | Lao Statistics Bureau |
LAT | Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia |
LBN | Central Administration for Statistics, Lebanese Republic |
LBR | Liberia Institute of Statistics & Geo-Information Services |
LBY | Bureau of Statistics and Census Libya |
LCA | St. Lucia Government Statistics Department |
LIE | Amt für Statistik, Landesverwaltung Liechtenstein |
LKA | Departement of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka |
LSO | Lesotho Bureau of Statistics |
LTU | Department of Statistics, Republic of Lithuania |
LUX | Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg |
MAC | Direcção dos Serviços de Estatística e Censos, Macau |
MAR | Haut Commissariat au Plan, Royaume du Maroc |
MCO | Monaco Statistics |
MDA | Departamentul Statistica si Sociologie al Republicii Moldova |
MDG | Institut National de la Statistique Madagascar |
MDV | National Bureau of Statistics, Republic of Maldives |
MEX | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, México |
MHL | Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office, Republic of the Marshall Islands |
MKD | State Statistical Office, Republic of North Macedonia |
MLI | Institut National de la Statistiques, République du Mali |
MLT | National Statistics Office Malta |
MMR | Myanmar Central Statistical Organization |
MMR | Myanmar Statistical Information Service |
MNE | Statistical Office of Montenegro |
MNG | Mongolian National Statistical Office |
MNP | CNMI Department of Commerce |
MOZ | Instituto Nacional de Estatistica Moçambique |
MRT | Agence Nationale de la Statistique, de l’Analyse Démographique et Economique, Mauretanie |
MSR | Statistics Department Montserrat |
MUS | Central Statistical Office of Mauritius |
MWI | National Statistical Office of Malawi |
MYS | Department of Statistics Malaysia |
NAM | Namibia Statistics Agency |
NCL | Institut de la Statistique et des Études Économiques Nouvelle-Calédonie |
NER | Institut National de la Statistique du Niger |
NFK | Norfolk Island Government |
NGA | National Bureau of Statistics Nigeria |
NIC | Instituto Nacional de Información de Desarrollo, Nicaragua |
NIU | Statistics Niue |
NLD | Statistics Netherlands |
NOR | Statistics Norway |
NPL | Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal |
NRU | Nauru Bureau of Statistics |
NZL | Statistics New Zealand |
OIA | OIA Statistics Online |
OMN | Sultanate of Oman, National Centre for Statistics and Information |
PAK | Pakistan Bureau of Statistics |
PAN | Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censo, Panamá |
PER | Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, Peru |
PHL | National Statistics Office of the Philippines |
PLW | Bureau of Budget & Planning, Republic of Palau |
PNG | National Statistical Office of Papua New Guinea |
POL | Central Statistical Office Poland |
PRT | Instituto Nacional de Estatística Portugal |
PRY | Instituto Nacional de Estadística Paraguay |
PSE | Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics |
PYF | Institute Statistique de Polynésie Française |
QAT | Qatar Planning and Statistics Authority |
ROU | Romania National Institute of Statistics |
RUS | Russia Census 2010 |
RUS | Federal State Statistics Service Russia |
RWA | National Institute of Statistics Rwanda |
SAU | General Statistics Authority, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia |
SEN | Agence Nationale de la Statistique et de la Démographie, Sénégal |
SGP | Singapore Department of Statistics |
SHN | Saint Helena Government |
SLB | Solomon Islands National Statistics Office |
SLE | Statistics Sierra Leone |
SLV | Oficina Nacional de Estadística y Censos, El Salvador |
SMR | Ufficio Informatica, Tecnologia, Dati e Statistica, San Marino |
SOM | Somalia National Bureau of Statistics |
SRB | Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia |
SSD | South Sudan National Bureau of Statistics |
STP | Instituto Nacional de Estatística, República Democrática de São Tomé e Príncipe |
SUD | Central Bureau of Statistics Sudan |
SUR | Algemeen Bureau voor de Statistiek in Suriname |
SVK | Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic |
SVN | Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia |
SWE | Statistiska Centralbyrån (SCB), Sverige |
SWZ | Central Statistical Office Swaziland |
SXM | Department of Statistics Sint Maarten |
SYC | National Statistics Bureau, Seychelles |
SYR | Central Bureau of Statistics, Syrian Arab Republic |
TCA | Turks and Caicos Statistics Department |
TCD | Institut National de la Statistique, des Études Économiques et Démographiques du Tchad |
TGO | Direction Générale de la Statistique et de la Comptabilité Nationale, République Togolaise |
THA | National Statistical Office, Thailand |
TJK | State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan |
TKL | Tokelau National Statistical Unit |
TKM | State Committee for Statistics, Turkmenistan |
TLS | National Institute of Statistics Timor-Leste |
TON | Tonga Department of Statistics |
TRNC | TRNC State Planning Organization |
TTO | Central Statistical Office, Trinidad and Tobago |
TUN | Institut National de la Statistique Tunisie |
TUR | Republic of Turkey, State Institute of Statistics |
TUV | Tuvalu Central Statistics Division |
TWN | Ministry of Interior, Republic of China |
TWN | National Statistics, Republic of China |
TZA | National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania |
UGA | Uganda Bureau of Statistics |
UKR | State Statistics Committee of Ukraine |
UN | UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division |
URY | Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Uruguay |
USA | U.S. Census Bureau |
UZB | State Committee of Uzbekistan on Statistics |
VCT | Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines - Statistical Office |
VEN | Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Venezuela |
VGB | Government of the Virgin Islands (UK), Central Statistics Office |
VNM | General Statistics Office of Vietnam |
VUT | Vanuatu National Statistics Office |
WLF | Service Territorial de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, Wallis et Futuna |
WSM | Samoa Statistical Services Division |
YEM | Central Statistical Organisation Yemen |
ZAF | Statistics South Africa |
ZMB | Central Statistical Office Zambia |
ZWE | Central Statistical Office Zimbabwe |
Abbr. | Title | Publisher |
BOY | Britannica Book of the Year | Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., Chicago |
CA | Cartactual | Budapest |
DYB | Demographic Yearbook | UN, Dept. of Int. Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Office, New York |
EYB | The Europa World Year Book | Europa Publications Limited |
HCW | Hammond Citation World Atlas | Hammond World Atlas Corp., Union, NJ |
IA | Internationaler Atlas | Rand McNally, Westermann |
MEW | Encarta Weltatlas | Microsoft |
PGM | Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen | Gotha |
SDA | Statistik des Auslands | Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden / Metzler-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart |
SYB | The Statesman's Year-Book | The MacMillan Press Limited, London; W. DeGruyter, Berlin |
WA | Der Fischer Weltalmanach | Fischer Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt am Main |
WUP | World Urbanization Prospects | UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division |