Indonesia: South Sulawesi Province
Contents: Regencies, Cities and Districts
The population of the districts in the regencies and cities of South Sulawesi Province according to the 2010 census.
Name | Status | Population Census 2010-05-01 | |
Bantaeng | Regency | 176,699 | → |
Bantaeng | District | 36,718 | → |
Bissappu | District | 30,931 | → |
Eremerasa | District | 18,614 | → |
Gantarangkeke | District | 15,865 | → |
Pajukukang | District | 29,017 | → |
Sinoa | District | 11,827 | → |
Tompobulu | District | 22,913 | → |
Uluere | District | 10,814 | → |
Barru | Regency | 165,983 | → |
Balusu | District | 17,575 | → |
Barru | District | 38,333 | → |
Mallusetasi | District | 25,030 | → |
Pujananting | District | 12,785 | → |
Soppeng Riaja | District | 17,598 | → |
Tanete Riaja | District | 21,899 | → |
Tanete Rilau | District | 32,763 | → |
Bone | Regency | 717,682 | → |
Ajangale | District | 27,203 | → |
Amali | District | 20,546 | → |
Awangpone | District | 28,583 | → |
Barebbo | District | 26,383 | → |
Bengo | District | 25,247 | → |
Bontocani | District | 15,351 | → |
Cenrana | District | 23,362 | → |
Cina | District | 25,437 | → |
Dua Boccoe | District | 29,941 | → |
Kahu | District | 37,399 | → |
Kajuara | District | 34,599 | → |
Lamuru | District | 24,293 | → |
Lappariaja | District | 23,183 | → |
Libureng | District | 29,165 | → |
Mare | District | 25,129 | → |
Palakka | District | 22,084 | → |
Patimpeng | District | 15,670 | → |
Ponre | District | 13,198 | → |
Salomekko | District | 14,970 | → |
Sibulue | District | 32,664 | → |
Tanete Riattang | District | 48,532 | → |
Tanete Riattang Barat | District | 43,512 | → |
Tanete Riattang Timur | District | 40,393 | → |
Tellu Limpoe | District | 13,771 | → |
Tellu Siattinge | District | 39,733 | → |
Tonra | District | 12,830 | → |
Ulaweng | District | 24,504 | → |
Bulukumba | Regency | 394,560 | → |
Bonto Bahari | District | 24,116 | → |
Bontotiro | District | 22,768 | → |
Bulukumpa | District | 50,607 | → |
Gantarang | District | 71,307 | → |
Hero Lange-Lange | District | 24,041 | → |
Kajang | District | 46,983 | → |
Kindang | District | 29,748 | → |
Rilau Ale | District | 37,871 | → |
Ujung Bulu | District | 47,886 | → |
Ujung Loe | District | 39,233 | → |
Enrekang | Regency | 190,248 | → |
Alla | District | 20,657 | → |
Anggeraja | District | 23,825 | → |
Baraka | District | 21,201 | → |
Baroko | District | 10,279 | → |
Bungin | District | 4,345 | → |
Buntu Batu | District | 12,779 | → |
Cendana | District | 8,695 | → |
Curio | District | 14,841 | → |
Enrekang | District | 30,568 | → |
Maiwa | District | 23,119 | → |
Malua | District | 7,641 | → |
Masalle | District | 12,298 | → |
Gowa | Regency | 652,941 | → |
Bajeng | District | 62,334 | → |
Bajeng Barat | District | 22,918 | → |
Barombong | District | 34,527 | → |
Biringbulu | District | 32,347 | → |
Bontolempangan | District | 13,332 | → |
Bontomarannu | District | 31,250 | → |
Bontonompo | District | 39,295 | → |
Bontonompo Selatan | District | 28,471 | → |
Bungaya | District | 15,847 | → |
Manuju | District | 14,093 | → |
Pallangga | District | 98,721 | → |
Parangloe | District | 16,564 | → |
Parigi | District | 13,089 | → |
Pattallassang | District | 21,881 | → |
Somba Opu | District | 130,287 | → |
Tinggimoncong | District | 22,138 | → |
Tombolo Pao | District | 26,876 | → |
Tompobulu | District | 28,971 | → |
Jeneponto | Regency | 342,700 | → |
Arungkeke | District | 18,233 | → |
Bangkala | District | 49,859 | → |
Bangkala Barat | District | 26,340 | → |
Batang | District | 19,192 | → |
Binamu | District | 52,420 | → |
Bontoramba | District | 34,975 | → |
Kelara | District | 26,440 | → |
Rumbia | District | 22,634 | → |
Tamalatea | District | 40,351 | → |
Tarowang | District | 22,337 | → |
Turatea | District | 29,919 | → |
Kepulauan Selayar [Selayar Islands] | Regency | 122,055 | → |
Benteng | District | 21,344 | → |
Bontoharu | District | 12,484 | → |
Bontomanai | District | 12,226 | → |
Bontomatene | District | 12,571 | → |
Bontosikuyu | District | 14,332 | → |
Buki | District | 6,125 | → |
Pasilambena | District | 6,786 | → |
Pasimarannu | District | 8,959 | → |
Pasimassunggu | District | 7,625 | → |
Pasimassunggu Timur | District | 7,307 | → |
Takabonerate | District | 12,296 | → |
Kota Makassar | City | 1,338,663 | → |
Biring Kanaya | District | 167,843 | → |
Bontoala | District | 54,268 | → |
Makassar | District | 81,901 | → |
Mamajang | District | 59,133 | → |
Manggala | District | 117,303 | → |
Mariso | District | 56,313 | → |
Panakkukang | District | 141,524 | → |
Rappocini | District | 151,357 | → |
Tallo | District | 133,815 | → |
Tamalanrea | District | 101,669 | → |
Tamalate | District | 169,890 | → |
Ujung Pandang | District | 27,206 | → |
Ujung Tanah | District | 46,771 | → |
Wajo | District | 29,670 | → |
Kota Palopo | City | 147,932 | → |
Bara | District | 22,959 | → |
Mungkajang | District | 6,981 | → |
Sendana | District | 5,732 | → |
Tellu Wanua | District | 11,701 | → |
Wara | District | 31,024 | → |
Wara Barat | District | 9,403 | → |
Wara Selatan | District | 10,124 | → |
Wara Timur | District | 30,997 | → |
Wara Utara | District | 19,011 | → |
Kota Parepare | City | 129,262 | → |
Bacukiki | District | 14,477 | → |
Bacukiki Barat | District | 39,085 | → |
Soreang | District | 43,469 | → |
Ujung | District | 32,231 | → |
Luwu (Bua Ponrang) | Regency | 332,482 | → |
Bajo | District | 14,238 | → |
Bajo Barat | District | 9,324 | → |
Bassesangtempe | District | 14,115 | → |
Belopa | District | 14,812 | → |
Belopa Utara | District | 14,545 | → |
Bua | District | 30,955 | → |
Bua Ponrang (Bupon) | District | 14,451 | → |
Kamanre | District | 11,238 | → |
Lamasi | District | 20,364 | → |
Lamasi Timur | District | 12,166 | → |
Larompong | District | 18,834 | → |
Larompong Selatan | District | 15,800 | → |
Latimojong | District | 5,457 | → |
Ponrang | District | 26,114 | → |
Ponrang Selatan | District | 23,744 | → |
Suli | District | 18,479 | → |
Suli Barat | District | 8,491 | → |
Walenrang | District | 17,433 | → |
Walenrang Barat | District | 8,897 | → |
Walenrang Timur | District | 15,281 | → |
Walenrang Utara | District | 17,744 | → |
Luwu Timur [East Luwu] | Regency | 243,069 | → |
Angkona | District | 21,681 | → |
Burau | District | 30,875 | → |
Kalaena | District | 10,548 | → |
Malili | District | 32,699 | → |
Mangkutana | District | 19,839 | → |
Nuha | District | 20,087 | → |
Tomoni | District | 22,333 | → |
Tomoni Timur | District | 11,738 | → |
Towuti | District | 27,200 | → |
Wasuponda | District | 17,969 | → |
Wotu | District | 28,100 | → |
Luwu Utara [North Luwu] | Regency | 287,472 | → |
Baebunta | District | 43,068 | → |
Bone-Bone | District | 45,862 | → |
Limbong | District | 3,824 | → |
Malangke | District | 27,005 | → |
Malangke Barat | District | 23,512 | → |
Mappedeceng | District | 21,925 | → |
Masamba | District | 31,237 | → |
Rampi | District | 2,860 | → |
Sabbang | District | 34,839 | → |
Seko | District | 12,560 | → |
Sukamaju | District | 40,780 | → |
Maros | Regency | 319,002 | → |
Bantimurung | District | 28,078 | → |
Bontoa | District | 26,573 | → |
Camba | District | 12,554 | → |
Cenrana | District | 13,593 | → |
Lau | District | 24,201 | → |
Mallawa | District | 10,719 | → |
Mandai | District | 35,044 | → |
Maros Baru | District | 23,987 | → |
Marusu | District | 25,226 | → |
Moncongloe | District | 16,939 | → |
Simbang | District | 22,209 | → |
Tanralili | District | 24,456 | → |
Tompobulu | District | 14,104 | → |
Turikale | District | 41,319 | → |
Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan [Pangkajene Islands] | Regency | 305,737 | → |
Balocci | District | 15,450 | → |
Bungoro | District | 38,851 | → |
Labakkang | District | 43,730 | → |
Liukang Kalmas | District | 12,920 | → |
Liukang Tangaya | District | 18,318 | → |
Liukang Tupabbiring | District | 16,895 | → |
Liukang Tupabbiring Utara | District | 12,343 | → |
Mandalle | District | 13,870 | → |
Ma'rang | District | 29,915 | → |
Minasatene | District | 32,970 | → |
Pangkajene | District | 41,701 | → |
Segeri | District | 20,037 | → |
Tondong Tallasa | District | 8,737 | → |
Pinrang | Regency | 351,118 | → |
Batulappa | District | 9,652 | → |
Cempa | District | 17,217 | → |
Duampanua | District | 43,877 | → |
Lanrisang | District | 17,131 | → |
Lembang | District | 38,268 | → |
Mattiro Bulu | District | 26,847 | → |
Mattiro Sompe | District | 27,441 | → |
Paleteang | District | 36,699 | → |
Patampanua | District | 31,533 | → |
Suppa | District | 30,504 | → |
Tiroang | District | 20,856 | → |
Watang Sawitto | District | 51,093 | → |
Sidenreng Rappang | Regency | 271,911 | → |
Baranti | District | 28,068 | → |
Duapitue | District | 27,272 | → |
Kulo | District | 11,345 | → |
Maritengngae | District | 46,139 | → |
Panca Lautang | District | 17,241 | → |
Panca Rijang | District | 27,086 | → |
Pitu Riase | District | 19,873 | → |
Pitu Riawa | District | 24,980 | → |
Tellu Limpoe | District | 22,728 | → |
Watang Pulu | District | 30,128 | → |
Watang Sidenreng | District | 17,051 | → |
Sinjai | Regency | 228,879 | → |
Bulupoddo | District | 15,681 | → |
Pulau Sembilan | District | 7,405 | → |
Sinjai Barat | District | 22,985 | → |
Sinjai Borong | District | 15,901 | → |
Sinjai Selatan | District | 37,055 | → |
Sinjai Tengah | District | 25,966 | → |
Sinjai Timur | District | 28,971 | → |
Sinjai Utara | District | 43,467 | → |
Tellu Limpoe | District | 31,448 | → |
Soppeng | Regency | 223,826 | → |
Citta | District | 7,999 | → |
Donri Donri | District | 22,920 | → |
Ganra | District | 11,301 | → |
Lalabata | District | 44,269 | → |
Lili Riaja | District | 26,964 | → |
Lili Rilau | District | 38,202 | → |
Mario Riawa | District | 27,861 | → |
Mario Riwawo | District | 44,310 | → |
Takalar | Regency | 269,603 | → |
Galesong | District | 37,371 | → |
Galesong Selatan | District | 23,854 | → |
Galesong Utara | District | 35,966 | → |
Mangara Bombang | District | 36,689 | → |
Mappakasunggu | District | 15,139 | → |
Pattallassang | District | 34,729 | → |
Polombangkeng Selatan | District | 26,754 | → |
Polombangkeng Utara | District | 45,825 | → |
Sanrobone | District | 13,276 | → |
Tana Toraja | Regency | 221,081 | → |
Bittuang | District | 14,247 | → |
Bonggakaradeng | District | 6,668 | → |
Gandang Batu Silanan | District | 19,238 | → |
Kurra | District | 5,149 | → |
Makale | District | 33,631 | → |
Makale Selatan | District | 12,415 | → |
Makale Utara | District | 11,799 | → |
Malimbong Balepe | District | 8,923 | → |
Mappak | District | 5,509 | → |
Masanda | District | 6,278 | → |
Mengkendek | District | 27,342 | → |
Rano | District | 6,042 | → |
Rantetayo | District | 10,737 | → |
Rembon | District | 18,219 | → |
Saluputti | District | 7,424 | → |
Sangala Selatan | District | 7,361 | → |
Sangalla | District | 6,606 | → |
Sangalla Utara | District | 7,327 | → |
Simbuang | District | 6,166 | → |
Toraja Utara [North Toraja] | Regency | 216,762 | → |
Awan Rante Karua | District | 5,195 | → |
Balusu | District | 6,760 | → |
Baruppu | District | 5,358 | → |
Bengkelekila | District | 5,128 | → |
Buntao | District | 8,911 | → |
Buntu Pepasan | District | 12,228 | → |
Dende Piongan Napo | District | 7,979 | → |
Kapala Pitu | District | 6,041 | → |
Kesu | District | 15,504 | → |
Nanggala | District | 9,192 | → |
Rantebua | District | 7,595 | → |
Rantepao | District | 25,585 | → |
Rindingalo | District | 7,255 | → |
Sa'dan | District | 14,923 | → |
Sanggalangi | District | 11,129 | → |
Sesean | District | 10,893 | → |
Sesean Suloara | District | 6,236 | → |
Sopai | District | 13,042 | → |
Tallunglipu | District | 18,068 | → |
Tikala | District | 10,275 | → |
Tondon | District | 9,465 | → |
Wajo | Regency | 385,109 | → |
Belawa | District | 31,924 | → |
Bola | District | 19,385 | → |
Gilireng | District | 11,031 | → |
Keera | District | 21,734 | → |
Majauleng | District | 31,207 | → |
Maniang Pajo | District | 16,012 | → |
Pammana | District | 31,205 | → |
Penrang | District | 15,530 | → |
Pitumpanua | District | 41,673 | → |
Sabbang Paru | District | 25,785 | → |
Sajoanging | District | 18,678 | → |
Takkalalla | District | 20,612 | → |
Tana Sitolo | District | 39,280 | → |
Tempe | District | 61,053 | → |
Sulawesi Selatan [South Sulawesi] | Province | 8,034,776 |
Source: Badan Pusat Statistik, Republik Indonesia (web).
Explanation: Districts in the boundaries of 2010; their area is computed by using geospatial data. Regencies and cities as defined in 2015.