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Vietnam: Bình Định Province

Contents: Districts and Communes

The population of the districts and communes (wards, townships and rural communes) of Bình Định Province according to the last census.

The Details icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (age groups).

An LãoDistrict24,200
An DũngRural Commune1,406
An HòaRural Commune9,305
An HưngRural Commune1,163
An LãoTownship3,401
An NghĩaRural Commune594
An QuangRural Commune1,102
An TânRural Commune2,835
An ToànRural Commune649
An TrungRural Commune2,037
An VinhRural Commune1,708
An NhơnDistrict-level Town178,424
Bình ĐịnhWard17,165
Đập ĐáWard16,977
Nhơn AnRural Commune10,059
Nhơn HạnhRural Commune10,696
Nhơn HậuRural Commune13,297
Nhơn Hoà (Nhơn Hòa)Ward17,864
Nhơn HưngWard12,353
Nhơn KhánhRural Commune8,530
Nhơn LộcRural Commune8,901
Nhơn MỹRural Commune11,264
Nhơn PhongRural Commune8,565
Nhơn PhúcRural Commune10,607
Nhơn TânRural Commune7,788
Nhơn ThànhWard15,474
Nhơn ThọRural Commune8,884
Hoài ÂnDistrict84,437
Ân ĐứcRural Commune8,186
Ân Hảo ĐôngRural Commune6,290
Ân Hảo TâyRural Commune3,557
Ân HữuRural Commune5,688
Ân MỹRural Commune6,151
Ân NghĩaRural Commune10,207
Ân PhongRural Commune6,739
Ân SơnRural Commune387
Ân ThạnhRural Commune7,889
Ân TínRural Commune7,733
Ân Tường ĐôngRural Commune4,591
Ân Tường TâyRural Commune7,790
Bok TớiRural Commune1,346
Dak MangRural Commune999
Tăng Bạt HổTownship6,884
Hoài NhơnDistrict205,590
Bồng SơnTownship17,493
Hoài ChâuRural Commune8,686
Hoài Châu BắcRural Commune9,430
Hoài ĐứcRural Commune14,016
Hoài HảiRural Commune6,969
Hoài HảoRural Commune12,575
Hoài HươngRural Commune16,173
Hoài MỹRural Commune13,175
Hoài PhúRural Commune8,795
Hoài SơnRural Commune9,491
Hoài TânRural Commune17,750
Hoài ThanhRural Commune12,156
Hoài Thanh TâyRural Commune10,873
Hoài XuânRural Commune8,117
Tam QuanTownship11,038
Tam Quan BắcRural Commune17,210
Tam Quan NamRural Commune11,643
Phù CátDistrict188,042
Cát ChánhRural Commune6,341
Cát HảiRural Commune5,538
Cát HanhRural Commune15,347
Cát HiệpRural Commune7,492
Cát HưngRural Commune7,520
Cát KhánhRural Commune13,541
Cát LâmRural Commune7,087
Cát MinhRural Commune15,012
Cát NhơnRural Commune9,791
Cát SơnRural Commune5,010
Cát TàiRural Commune10,145
Cát TânRural Commune16,552
Cát ThắngRural Commune7,795
Cát ThànhRural Commune8,488
Cát TiếnRural Commune11,367
Cát TrinhRural Commune13,230
Cát TườngRural Commune16,808
Ngô MâyTownship10,978
Phù MỹDistrict169,304
Bình DươngTownship5,434
Mỹ AnRural Commune8,216
Mỹ CátRural Commune6,567
Mỹ ChánhRural Commune13,685
Mỹ Chánh TâyRural Commune4,356
Mỹ ChâuRural Commune8,316
Mỹ ĐứcRural Commune7,165
Mỹ HiệpRural Commune13,500
Mỹ HòaRural Commune8,815
Mỹ LộcRural Commune7,239
Mỹ LợiRural Commune7,322
Mỹ PhongRural Commune8,658
Mỹ QuangRural Commune6,725
Mỹ TàiRural Commune10,231
Mỹ ThắngRural Commune10,505
Mỹ ThànhRural Commune10,435
Mỹ ThọRural Commune14,631
Mỹ TrinhRural Commune6,290
Phù MỹTownship11,214
Quy NhơnDistrict-level City280,535
Bùi Thị XuânWard15,363
Đống ĐaWard29,030
Ghềnh RángWard10,519
Hải CảngWard17,448
Lê Hồng PhongWard14,169
Lê LợiWard12,745
Lý Thường KiệtWard5,444
Ngô MâyWard22,690
Nguyễn Văn CừWard19,727
Nhơn BìnhWard18,387
Nhơn ChâuRural Commune1,953
Nhơn HảiRural Commune5,957
Nhơn HộiRural Commune3,656
Nhơn LýRural Commune8,257
Nhơn PhúWard20,067
Phước MỹRural Commune5,249
Quang TrungWard21,838
Thị NạiWard11,013
Trần Hưng ĐạoWard9,073
Trần PhúWard11,134
Trần Quang DiệuWard16,816
Tây SơnDistrict123,309
Bình HòaRural Commune8,228
Bình NghiRural Commune13,491
Bình TânRural Commune6,165
Bình ThànhRural Commune9,349
Bình ThuậnRural Commune7,198
Bình TườngRural Commune9,019
Phú PhongTownship19,930
Tây AnRural Commune4,888
Tây BìnhRural Commune5,417
Tây GiangRural Commune11,292
Tây PhúRural Commune8,184
Tây ThuậnRural Commune6,959
Tây VinhRural Commune6,453
Tây XuânRural Commune5,569
Vĩnh AnRural Commune1,167
Tuy PhướcDistrict179,985
Diêu TrìTownship12,115
Phước AnRural Commune18,997
Phước HiệpRural Commune15,558
Phước HòaRural Commune15,314
Phước HưngRural Commune12,820
Phước LộcRural Commune15,215
Phước NghĩaRural Commune4,733
Phước QuangRural Commune12,727
Phước SơnRural Commune22,910
Phước ThắngRural Commune9,440
Phước ThànhRural Commune10,709
Phước ThuậnRural Commune16,349
Tuy PhướcTownship13,098
Vân CanhDistrict24,661
Canh HiểnRural Commune2,508
Canh HiệpRural Commune1,923
Canh HòaRural Commune1,726
Canh LiênRural Commune2,068
Canh ThuậnRural Commune2,686
Canh VinhRural Commune7,957
Vân CanhTownship5,793
Vĩnh ThạnhDistrict27,978
Vĩnh HảoRural Commune2,649
Vĩnh HiệpRural Commune2,830
Vĩnh HòaRural Commune1,586
Vĩnh KimRural Commune1,772
Vĩnh QuangRural Commune3,735
Vĩnh SơnRural Commune2,789
Vĩnh ThạnhTownship5,278
Vĩnh ThịnhRural Commune5,984
Vĩnh ThuậnRural Commune1,355
Bình ĐịnhProvince1,486,465

Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam (web).

Explanation: Communes as defined in 2009 and districts follow the definiton of 2018. The computation of boundaries and population figures for districts is based on the tabulated communes of 2009. Thus, slight discrepancies to the actual situation are possible in few cases. Area figures are derived from geospatial data.

C 2009-04-01

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