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Nghĩa Đàn

District in Nghệ An Province

Contents: Subdivision

The population in Nghĩa Đàn as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images).

The Details icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (age groups).

Nghĩa ĐànDistrict122,303
Nghĩa AnRural Commune6,771
Nghĩa BìnhRural Commune5,545
Nghĩa ĐứcRural Commune4,762
Nghĩa HiếuRural Commune2,807
Nghĩa HộiRural Commune8,036
Nghĩa HồngRural Commune4,728
Nghĩa HưngRural Commune5,887
Nghĩa KhánhRural Commune8,309
Nghĩa LạcRural Commune2,766
Nghĩa LâmRural Commune6,806
Nghĩa LiênRural Commune3,985
Nghĩa LộcRural Commune14,429
Nghĩa LợiRural Commune3,881
Nghĩa LongRural Commune3,018
Nghĩa MaiRural Commune6,657
Nghĩa MinhRural Commune2,984
Nghĩa PhúRural Commune2,671
Nghĩa SơnRural Commune3,580
Nghĩa TânRural Commune2,266
Nghĩa ThắngRural Commune2,397
Nghĩa ThịnhRural Commune3,738
Nghĩa ThọRural Commune2,890
Nghĩa TrungRural Commune7,723
Nghĩa YênRural Commune5,667
Nghệ AnProvince2,912,041

Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam (web).

Explanation: Communes as defined in 2009 and districts follow the definiton of 2018. The computation of boundaries and population figures for districts is based on the tabulated communes of 2009. Thus, slight discrepancies to the actual situation are possible in few cases. Area figures are derived from geospatial data.

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