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Càng Long

District in Trà Vinh Province

Contents: Subdivision

The population in Càng Long as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images).

The Details icon links to further information about a selected division including its population structure (age groups).

Càng LongDistrict143,389
An TrườngRural Commune14,225
An Trường ARural Commune8,670
Bình PhúRural Commune13,021
Càng LongTownship13,523
Đại PhúcRural Commune4,499
Đại PhướcRural Commune8,078
Đức MỹRural Commune9,802
Huyền HộiRural Commune14,102
Mỹ CẩmRural Commune10,964
Nhị LongRural Commune7,493
Nhị Long PhúRural Commune6,427
Phương ThạnhRural Commune11,341
Tân AnRural Commune10,110
Tân BìnhRural Commune11,134
Trà VinhProvince1,003,012

Source: General Statistics Office of Vietnam (web).

Explanation: Communes as defined in 2009 and districts follow the definiton of 2018. The computation of boundaries and population figures for districts is based on the tabulated communes of 2009. Thus, slight discrepancies to the actual situation are possible in few cases. Area figures are derived from geospatial data.

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