Poland: Opolskie
Contents: Opolskie
954,133 Population [2021] – census
936,725 Population [2023] – estimate
9,412km² Area
99.53/km² Density [2023]
All counties of the Voivodeship of Opole (Opolskie).
Name | Status | Population Census 2002-05-20 | Population Census 2011-03-31 | Population Census 2021-03-31 | Population Estimate 2023-12-31 | |
Powiat brzeski [Brzeg County] | County | 92,857 | 92,505 | 87,875 | 86,149 | → |
Powiat głubczycki [Głubczyce County] | County | 51,795 | 48,453 | 43,854 | 42,608 | → |
Powiat kędzierzyńsko-kozielski [Kędzierzyn-Koźle County] | County | 104,728 | 98,701 | 89,135 | 86,161 | → |
Powiat kluczborski [Kluczbork County] | County | 71,464 | 68,040 | 62,729 | 61,236 | → |
Powiat krapkowicki [Krapkowice County] | County | 70,081 | 65,871 | 60,611 | 59,647 | → |
Powiat namysłowski [Namysłów County] | County | 44,481 | 43,185 | 42,378 | 42,033 | → |
Powiat nyski [Nysa County] | County | 148,059 | 142,581 | 131,617 | 127,992 | → |
Powiat oleski [Olesno County] | County | 69,981 | 66,288 | 62,192 | 61,281 | → |
Powiat Opole | Urban County | ... | 131,867 | 127,387 | 126,077 | → |
Powiat opolski [Opole County] | County | ... | 123,895 | 121,025 | 120,841 | → |
Powiat prudnicki [Prudnik County] | County | 61,897 | 57,838 | 53,018 | 51,443 | → |
Powiat strzelecki [Strzelce County] | County | 83,182 | 76,989 | 72,312 | 71,257 | → |
Opolskie [Opole] | Voivodeship | 1,065,043 | 1,016,213 | 954,133 | 936,725 |
Contents: Towns
All towns in the Voivodeship of Opole (Opolskie) with urban population.
Name | Status | County | Population Census 2002-05-20 | Population Census 2011-03-31 | Population Census 2021-03-31 | Population Estimate 2023-12-31 | |
Baborów | Urban Place | Powiat głubczycki | 3,467 | 3,081 | 2,870 | 2,823 | → |
Biała (Biała Prudnicka) | Urban Place | Powiat prudnicki | 2,793 | 2,536 | 2,348 | 2,256 | → |
Brzeg | Urban Commune | Powiat brzeski | 39,023 | 37,438 | 34,492 | 33,403 | → |
Byczyna | Urban Place | Powiat kluczborski | 3,741 | 3,766 | 3,476 | 3,353 | → |
Dobrodzień | Urban Place | Powiat oleski | 4,400 | 3,864 | 3,510 | 3,447 | → |
Głogówek | Urban Place | Powiat prudnicki | 6,302 | 5,800 | 5,642 | 5,445 | → |
Głubczyce | Urban Place | Powiat głubczycki | 13,614 | 13,136 | 12,100 | 11,651 | → |
Głuchołazy | Urban Place | Powiat nyski | 15,384 | 14,560 | 13,143 | 12,621 | → |
Gogolin | Urban Place | Powiat krapkowicki | 6,280 | 6,512 | 6,429 | 6,418 | → |
Gorzów Śląski | Urban Place | Powiat oleski | 2,669 | 2,596 | 2,430 | 2,420 | → |
Grodków | Urban Place | Powiat brzeski | 8,817 | 8,892 | 8,210 | 7,902 | → |
Kędzierzyn-Koźle | Urban Commune | Powiat kędzierzyńsko-kozielski | 67,097 | 64,153 | 56,931 | 54,387 | → |
Kietrz | Urban Place | Powiat głubczycki | 6,587 | 6,302 | 5,638 | 5,447 | → |
Kluczbork | Urban Place | Powiat kluczborski | 26,595 | 24,962 | 22,703 | 22,033 | → |
Kolonowskie | Urban Place | Powiat strzelecki | 3,693 | 3,416 | 3,183 | 3,207 | → |
Korfantów | Urban Place | Powiat nyski | 1,951 | 1,923 | 1,723 | 1,689 | → |
Krapkowice | Urban Place | Powiat krapkowicki | 18,723 | 17,294 | 15,786 | 15,282 | → |
Leśnica | Urban Place | Powiat strzelecki | 3,040 | 2,745 | 2,599 | 2,546 | → |
Lewin Brzeski | Urban Place | Powiat brzeski | 5,908 | 6,045 | 5,668 | 5,585 | → |
Namysłów | Urban Place | Powiat namysłowski | 16,839 | 16,070 | 16,942 | 16,818 | → |
Niemodlin | Urban Place | Powiat opolski | 6,946 | 6,780 | 6,068 | 5,853 | → |
Nysa | Urban Place | Powiat nyski | 48,145 | 45,681 | 42,151 | 40,685 | → |
Olesno | Urban Place | Powiat oleski | 10,452 | 9,648 | 9,122 | 9,047 | → |
Opole | Urban County | Powiat Opole | ... | 131,867 | 127,387 | 126,077 | → |
Otmuchów | Urban Place | Powiat nyski | ... | 6,876 | 6,360 | 6,179 | → |
Ozimek | Urban Place | Powiat opolski | 10,359 | 9,421 | 8,211 | 7,962 | → |
Paczków | Urban Place | Powiat nyski | 8,313 | 8,010 | 6,941 | 6,607 | → |
Praszka | Urban Place | Powiat oleski | 8,419 | 8,147 | 7,322 | 7,110 | → |
Prószków | Urban Place | Powiat opolski | ... | 2,621 | 2,544 | 2,552 | → |
Prudnik | Urban Place | Powiat prudnicki | 23,681 | 22,256 | 19,747 | 18,974 | → |
Strzelce Opolskie | Urban Place | Powiat strzelecki | 20,839 | 18,868 | 17,512 | 16,975 | → |
Tułowice | Urban Place | Powiat opolski | ... | ... | 3,748 | 3,622 | → |
Ujazd | Urban Place | Powiat strzelecki | 1,663 | 1,730 | 1,776 | 1,818 | → |
Wołczyn | Urban Place | Powiat kluczborski | 6,314 | 6,119 | 5,542 | 5,320 | → |
Zawadzkie | Urban Place | Powiat strzelecki | 8,885 | 7,784 | 6,639 | 6,358 | → |
Zdzieszowice | Urban Place | Powiat krapkowicki | 13,749 | 12,274 | 10,380 | 10,157 | → |
Source: Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Warszawa.