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Landau in der Pfalz

County-level City in Rhineland-Palatinate

County-level City

The population of Landau in der Pfalz.

Landau in der PfalzCounty-level City43,361
Rheinland-Pfalz [Rhineland-Palatinate]State3,989,808

Contents: Settlements

The population of the settlements in Landau in der Pfalz.

The Details icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender, age groups, age distribution, citizenship, country of birth, religion).

Name StatusCountyPopulation
ArzheimSettlementLandau in der Pfalz1,410
DammheimSettlementLandau in der Pfalz930
GodramsteinSettlementLandau in der Pfalz2,720
Landau in der PfalzSettlementLandau in der Pfalz34,900
MörzheimSettlementLandau in der Pfalz1,140
NußdorfSettlementLandau in der Pfalz1,450
WollmesheimSettlementLandau in der Pfalz770

Source: Boundaries and population of settlements are computed by »City Population« using population figures in a 100m grid provided by the Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland (web) and using geospatial data of the Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (web). The settlements are delimited by unsettled and not built-up areas as well as by municipal boundaries.

Because of the computation method, the above population figures are not exact and therefore rounded. Area figures are derived from geospatial data.